Crossroads Baptist Church is in its ninth year of existence. Since our beginning in October 2010, we have experienced God’s good hand on us in innumerable ways. Lives continue to be impacted by the power, love and truth of God. More than numerical growth, we long for spiritual growth in each of our lives. Though we are grateful for numerical growth, it is not so much a large church that we are interested in, as it is a healthy church.

Pastor Nathan Deatrick, who lived in North Carolina most of his adult life and is the son of a North Carolina native, was thrilled at the opportunities to serve God by ministering to the people of Polk County, NC, and the surrounding regions, for almost 13 years from the church's beginning in October of 2010. Crossroads Baptist Church is named not only because of the fact that Polk County is home to the crossroads of Interstate 26, Highway 74, and Highways 108 and 9, but also because it is a good local church’s responsibility to help folks at the crossroads of their lives by pointing them to Jesus Christ, by giving them real answers from God’s Word to the questions of life, and by demonstrating Christ-like compassion to them. At Crossroads, we have a genuine and compelling desire to do just this.

As we look ahead, we are reminded of words from a great missionary of the past, “The future is as bright as the promises of God.” The Lord allowed us to purchase a beautiful 14 acre piece of property near the intersection of Highway 74 and Highway 108 on the east side of Columbus. This ideally located piece of property is a perfect, permanent home for Crossroads Baptist Church. We believe our best days are ahead.